English translation for "background reading"
- 背景读物
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Please treat these research - related readings as background readings 请视这些相关研究资料为背景阅读资料。 | | 2. | Everyone in the class is urged to do the background readings in order to facilitate group discussion 为了活络小组讨论,班上每位同学都应该阅读背景文章。 | | 3. | Mckay , hill , buckler , a history of western society ii : from absolutism to the present ( a western civ textbook , for background reading 《西洋社会史ii :从绝对主义迄今》 ,一本西方文明教科书,作为了解时代背景的读物。 | | 4. | Required reading : here you ' ll find a link to a site that includes background readings on the vouchers debate , the briefs , and the court ' s ruling 必要阅读?在这里你将发现到一个包含了引证、辩论陈述书和法院规则的背景阅读材料网站的连接。 | | 5. | In addition to the required readings for the course , the reserve book room . will hold the following sources for background reading and the assignment on witchcraft theories 除了这堂课要求必读的书以外,储备书室将保留以下书籍,作为背景知识阅读,帮助完成巫术理论的研究任务。 |
- Similar Words:
- "background radiation intensity" English translation, "background radiation monitoring" English translation, "background radioactivity" English translation, "background raditation" English translation, "background reader" English translation, "background reference" English translation, "background reflectance" English translation, "background reflection" English translation, "background region" English translation, "background register" English translation